The second day is a nice 35 km long ride on hilly ground south of Ypres where on the 7th of June 1917 the Battle of Messines Ridge unfolded.
We leave La Howarderie for Ploegsteert where Winston Churchill served in 1916, the Memorial and -menthe site where the Christmas Truce took place in 1914. German and British soldiers played a game of football in the no-men's land.
In Messines we vsit the Irish Memorial Park and NZ Division Memorial. We ride on the rolling fields and we continue to Lone Tree Crater and Wijtschate.
The impressive mine craters at Hill 60 and Hill 59 ( Caterpillar Crater) testify to the underground warfare and the work of the tunnelling companies .
Downhill it goes to the Menin Gate, the memorial to 55.000 missing soldiers. We c/I at the hotel before we attend at 8:00 PM